Sunday, April 10, 2022

Works update

The citrus trees are in. Mish digging out this mandarin hole a bit more before the tree goes in (it's hard to get good help for planting). We've had some interesting sea level cloud lately and there it is over the fence, a layer at the base of the island.

We uncovered a large block of concrete right where we wanted to plant one tree, so that had to come out. The block held an old post for a long gone gate.  It was deep and too heavy to lift out, so we got it out by lifting one side a teensy bit, bracing it, then lifting the other side, and so on. Slowly it came up and we could roll it out. Reid lifting strategies work again to use brains not brawn. Just as well, cause the brawn is a little weaker these days.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the driveway, the new platform steps are underway. Water feature will go left of the steps and cherry tree into a planter box on the right. Late afternoon sun on a warm autumn day.

The blue tape is the  planter boxes' edge and will be a sexy line of rusted corten steel.

Enjoying that late afternoon light after a half day of moving concrete and shifting the big fish into its new position. That only took 14 months. Now Mish will secure it here and fiddle with its artistic elements.

Looking across the park to the sunset. There's a line of poplars slowly losing their leaves.

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