Monday, September 10, 2018

Garden works

Mischa's latest garden bed project.

This was an underused space of lost bulbs and weeds. After construction we have three areas:  planting in progress and rocks piled under the fish clothes line. Half the load of soil at the top of the driveway has been shovelled in here, with seaweed mulch, plus a car load of river rocks, and yikes was THAT heavy.

Luckily we can get the RAV onto the wide bank of the Hutt River and can heft boulders straight in. More to come. Never would have tried getting that close with the van, we'd still be there, wheels spinning.

Our fire pit is on the left (bit glary, sorry about that, I lazily shot this hanging out the kitchen window). Half the honey drum we cut up is on top as the lid. With driftwood seat bracing it as it has been foul and wet and windy. It's only blown off once...

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