Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday's bizarre weather

What a strange day in Wellington.

Very strong winds overnight, and we were having our cup of tea this morning before we noticed there were no lights on across the valley in Johnsonville and all the way into the city. Just low thick cloud over everything, but fairly warm.

Drove to work in the rain, then we had gale winds and a few hours later, blazing sunshine and clear skies and warm breezes. A few hours after that, a couple of earthquakes, and the sky went black and down it came again. But, still warmish.

I walked to Misha's work under  my fabulous Blunt umbrella (designed for Wellington winds) and we drove home in the rain. Settling in with Indian and a movie tonight, a stormy sky and hail. Power is back on across the valley. Not warm.

Les Murray wrote a cool poem about Spring hail.

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