Monday, July 4, 2016

Sunday walk up Mt Kaukau

Beautiful winter day, cool and calm.

Went to the local fruit and veg market and then walked up to Mt Kaukau, slowly. It's only 445mt, but I was puffed. Had to be fortified with a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich at the windy cold top.

Clearish view to the south and the Kaikouras in the South Island. Bit hazy. The mountain we can see from our place is across the water and about 125km from Mt Kaukau.  In the photo below it's on the right.

Not much snow to be seen. We're having a warm winter.

Mish striding down as there is a café back at the car park...

Looking down to Wellington city and harbour. The cake tin (our sports ground) and the port in centre, CBD on the right.

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