Sunday, August 31, 2014

Makara Beach picnic

Such a lovely day - too nice to hang around the house and do house things. Went to the local fruit and veg market - always good - and Mish managed to leave her glasses there.
'We've got to go back to the market!'

Someone had found them and left them at the stand we usually buy at - all good. So off we went, with sandwiches and fruit and coffee in a flask, to Makara.

This is on Wellington's south west coast; past the multitude of monster wind turbines we now have, alongside the stream on a narrow winding road, past the lambs in paddocks, carefully around the horse riders and the cyclists, and about 30 minutes from here you pop out at a wild coast.

Not wild today. Lots of people taking the air at Makara and fishing and diving and throwing sticks in the water for their dogs, so we walked around the coast and lost most of them.

Looking south to the wind turbines at Mill Creek; Mish navigating a lichen laden rock.

Looking across Cook Strait to the South Island.

And tonight we have a Mish baking triumph: sticky walnut buns. Totally yummy. Three risings and two kneadings and then a roll up and into the oven.  This is those babies, hot out of the oven and after they were turned over.

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