Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday stroll on Miramar peninsula

Lazy weekend.
Drove up to Levin yesterday and did a bit of merino clothing shopping and property cruising (from the street). Had a lovely walk on the favourite beach, Te Horo. Bought some market vegies and stopped in for an ice cream and bookshop browsing on the way home.

Even lazier Sunday - late start in bed with cups of tea. Thought we'd better get out for a bit as it was a sunny cold day, so drove across town to the other side of the harbour and walked up to the big marble Massey memorial. There are battlement leftovers all over the peninsula, set up to repel the invasions that never came in the 20th century.

The photo below is from the top of one graffitied gun placement, looking across the harbour to the city. Harbour entrance is behind us, airport to the left, and our place is off pic to the right.

Am having a go at making pickled onions tonight - we're up to the soaking in brine solution for 24 hours. Mish is wrestling with her new laptop and its refusal to do everything seamlessly.

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