Friday, October 18, 2013

Mosaics on the kitchen table, Friday night

Mosaic classes - now that I have enough wrist strength to crack a few tiles. Mish didn't want to go, so off I went last Tuesday night, into Wellington HS in the city, 15 minutes from here. Decided to make a very simple design to start, so Mish drew us a mellifluous #9 and we bought some cheerful blue and white tiles. Aunt Lee is over from WA for a couple of weeks, so she photographed us on Friday night making a right royal mess with 74 times as much adhesive as we needed - but the thing is looking pretty damn good!
Tomorrow - grouting. Next Tuesday, maybe a gecko.
On the table is a photo book that came today. We finally gathered a few Lola photos and Mish arranged them in a photo book. Sticks, swimming, sleeping, bandages, looking hard done by on the back of the ute - that's pretty much the content. Cute as a button, our crazy dog.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking number 9! Eager to see the gecko. Jude
