Sunday, August 28, 2011

A weekend in the 'garden'

Calm, spring weather here, so we spent all Saturday planting and shifting things about. We've done so little to the yard since we got here - it's been house, house, house. Demanding things they are. Put in a row of peas along an ugly fence. Yum.
Preparing the area, I dug up a cheap spoon, a newish spade, a ceramic pendant, and a coconut. That coconut has been there for months, and it still had liquid and white meat inside. And it didn't smell when I broke it. Talk about staying power.

Mish worked out the front finding ferns (transplanted), weeding, and landscaping a bank. It's all rotten rock out front - that's a Wellington term for the local rock that breaks easily and looks like a heap of Violet Crumble. We bunged in a large bay tree, some artistic natives, a daphne to waft decadent scent around the area, and some Chatham Island forget-me-nots with a serious glossy leaf.
The vegetables weathered the snow pretty well. Today is also pleasant so we'll be espaliering another lemon and pottering.

That movie, Bill Cunningham New York (last blog entry) was a really good film. We went to a local theatre that was built as a trade union hall in the 1930s, now it's upmarket cine trendy. There were three of us for the 9pm showing: we were ushered out of the building, Mish with wine in hand, across a lane and into a baby theatre with four comfortable couches. Wonderful. Cunningham was a milliner who lived in Carnegie Hall and shot street fashion photos for The New York Times from about 1940-2010. Interesting, gentle guy.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are great..... love the hilarious updates, it really makes my day. I wish I had such energy around our abode!!! Keep up the good work.

    Kelvin & Michael & Miss Molly
