Monday, February 20, 2023

Wasp killers going to work

 One night in February...

Mish is wearing a face mask by Bosch, gloves (two pair), scarf, lumber jacket, headtorch and overalls. Carol wears scarf and big jacket by Macpac, possum hat, gloves, and she's about to put headtorch on.

Our poor neighbour stepped on the nest, which we knew was around but hadn't located, and got a few painful stings for his trouble. The nest is on our driveway bank and the landscapers are arriving tomorrow to begin work on the driveway retaining walls - and who wants wasps around?! 

They had to go. The first can of wasp kill didn't spray at all, back that went to the hardware store. Second can: Mish decked out in protective gear and snuck up to nest at night, but it only offloaded half the can and at way less distance than the 3-4 metres as per the can blurb. Useless: that went back to hardware store too. Mish dropped a big bag of zoodoo compost over the hole, but, wasps unbothered and active the next day. 

Next night - another, stronger product. Mish mixed it up in her big backpack sprayer and, again, snuck up on the nest after dark. Offloaded a litre or two before the sprayer jammed. Another bag of zoodoo dropped over top (sort off, access is a tad difficult). Next morning - wasps about.

Next night: that's us in the photo above all set to head outside. We took the rest of the mix and bugger the recommended dosage, they're getting the lot in two bucket loads poured into the nest entrance from two directions. Mish stood by the nest and I poured mine over the fence above it. 

Got 'em. Next day, no wasps.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an undertaking, good on you, you made it in the end! Very persistent.
