Thunderstorm this morning, not usual for this part of the world. Drizzling now so we're staying in for a bit. Mish using the run of the stainless steel bench to make frame bands to go around triptych frames in her August exhibition.
Took a run up to Whanganui yesterday, about 400km round trip in drizzle and sun. Pleasant drive through green paddocks past lamb-loaded sheep. Picked up framed works and dropping them into the city later.
The latest works here, something Mish has been wanting to do for years - replacing the original and rotten wood front entry with the PVC system we've used on all the windows.
Ta dah!
Looking out, no barriers now and no gaps for rats to come in and hang about overnight. Bet our regular turned up the next night and went - doh!
And looking in.
Cohesive. Next, paint the concrete and lay lino or something inside. That's the wee space that Mish has always (optimistically) called 'the airlock'. And now it is an airlock.
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